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Vive La Fête | Free download “Fashion”

Free download “Fashion”

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Get your totally cool, totally free, totally brand new MP3 of "Fashion" here!

Fill out your name and valid e-mailadress *) and within a few minutes you’ll receive your personal download like for the hi-quality MP3 download of “Fashion”.
Please note: after it’s mailed to you, your personal download link will expire in 60 minutes.

Enjoy the song, enjoy Valentines Day, enjoy love!

Danny & Els

Watch “Fashion” on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkNhfPqnvmQ

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)


* Your e-mailadres will be used to send you an e-mail with a personalized e-mail link for the free song “Fashion”. We will never sell your e-mail address or use it for other purposes than an occiasional e-mail about Vive la Fete. That way, you will be the first to hear about new tourdates and new music. We hate spam as much as you do!
Social tagging: > > > > > >

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